Peer-reviewed Publications
Harmful Algal Blooms
Mikado T, Jinno S, Hirai M, Tomaru Y, Onitsuka G, Miyake Y (2024) The relationship between Karenia mikimotoi red tide and the Kyucho in Uwajima Bay in autumn 2020. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 90(4):334–343 DOI: 10.2331/suisan.23-00058 (in Japanese with English Abstract)
Miyake Y, Kimura S, Horii T, Kawamura T (2017) Larval dispersal of abalone and its three modes: a review. Journal of Shellfish Research 36(1):157-167 DOI: 10.2983/035.036.0116
Asahi T, Kurogi H, Terui M, Onitsuka T, Miyake Y, Hayakawa J, Kawamura T, Takiguchi N, Hamaguchi M, Horii T (2013) Environmental factors affecting appearance of swimming larvae of large abalone species on the east coast of Sagami Bay, Japan. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography 77(1):10-20 (in Japanese with English Abstract)
Miyake Y, Kimura S, Kawamura T, Kitagawa T, Takahashi T, Takami H (2011) Population connectivity of Ezo abalone on the northern Pacific coast of Japan in relation to the establishment of harvest refugia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440: 137-150 DOI: 10.3354/meps09348
Miyake Y, Kimura S, Kawamura T, Kitagawa T, Hara M, Hoshikawa H (2010) Estimating larval supply of Ezo abalone Haliotis discus hannai in a small bay using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model: insights into the establishment of harvest refugia. Fisheries Science 76: 561-570 DOI: 10.1007/s12562-010-0260-4
Miyake Y, Kimura S, Kawamura T, Horii T, Kurogi H, Kitagawa T (2009) Simulating larval dispersal processes for abalone using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model: implications for refugium design. Marine Ecology Progress Series 387: 205-222 DOI : 10.3354/meps08086
Yin S, Takeshige A, Miyake Y, Kimura S (2018) Selection of suitable coastal aquaculture sites using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Menai Strait, UK. Ocean & Coastal Management 165: 268-279
Morioka H, Kasai A, Miyake Y, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2017) Food composition of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the Menai Strait, UK based on physical and biochemical analyses. Journal of Shellfish Research 36(3): 659-668
Spiny Lobster
Miyake Y, Kimura S, Itoh S, Chow S, Murakami K, Katayama S, Takeshige A, Nakata H (2015) Roles of vertical behavior in the open-ocean migration of teleplanic larvae: modeling approach to the larval transport of Japanese spiny lobster. Marine Ecology Progress Series 539:93-109 DOI: 10.3354/meps11499
Chow S, Jeffs A, Miyake Y, Konishi K, Okazaki M, Suzuki N, Abdullah MF, Imai H, Wakabayasi T, Sakai M (2011) Genetic isolation between the western and eastern Pacific populations of pronghorn spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus. PloS one 6(12): e29280
Kimura S, Miyazaki S, Onda H, Kitagawa T, Miyake Y, Miller MJ, Tsukamoto K. Distribution and Stable Isotope Ratio Characteristics of Japanese Eel Leptocephali in Relation to Hydrographic Structureof Their Pacific Ocean Spawning Area. Fisheries Oceanography.
Miyake Y, Tellier M, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Yoshida A, Yokouchi K, Shiozaki M, Kimura S. Coastal Water Temperature Difference, a Potential Predictor of Glass Eel Recruitment in Anguilla japonica during Non-meander Periods of the Kuroshio. Journal of Oceanography 79: 413–421.
Fukuda N, Yamamoto T, Yokouchi K, Kurogi H, Okazaki M, Miyake Y, Watanabe T, Chow S. Active swimming and transport by currents observed in Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) acoustically tracked in the western North Pacific. Scientific Reports 12: 3490
Itakura H, Miyake Y, Wakiya R, Kimura S. Environmental influences on late-summer individual Japanese eel diel activity and space utilization patterns in a shallow western Japan brackish lake. Fisheries Science 88: 29–43
Itakura H, Miyake Y, Kitagawa T, Sato T, Kimura S. Large contribution of pulsed subsidies to a predatory fish inhabiting large stream channels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78: 144–153
Miyake Y, Tellier M, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Yoshida A, Kimura S (2020) Past and lost influence of the Kuroshio on estuarine recruitment of Anguilla japonica glass eels. Journal of Oceanography 76: 259–270 DOI: 10.1007/s10872-020-00543-9
Arai K, Itakura H, Yoneta A, Kaifu K, Shirai K, Miyake Y, Kimura S (2019) Anthropogenic impacts on the distribution of wild and cultured Japanese eels in the Tone River watershed, Japan, from otolith oxygen and carbon stable isotopic composition. Environmental Biology of Fishes 102(11): 1405-1420
Yoneta A, Itakura H, Arai K, Kaifu K, Yoshinaga T, Miyake Y, Kimura S (2019) Distribution of naturally recruited wild Japanese eels in Japan revealed by otolith stable isotopic ratios and document investigation. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 85(2): 150-161
Miyake Y, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Itoh H, Onda H, Yamaguchi A, Yoneta A, Arai K, Hane YV, Kimura S (2018) Predation on glass eels of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in the Tone River Estuary, Japan. Fisheries Science 84(6): 1009-1014 DOI: 10.1007/s12562-018-1238-x
Itakura H, Arai K, Kaifu K, Shirai K, Yoneta A, Miyake Y, Secor DH, Kimura S (2018) Distribution of wild and stocked Japanese eels in the lower reaches of the Tone River watershed revealed by otolith stable isotopic ratios. Journal of Fish Biology 93: 805-813
Itakura H, Miyake Y, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2018) Site fidelity, diel and seasonal activities of yellow-phase Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) in a freshwater habitat as inferred from acoustic telemetry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27: 737-751
Onda H, Miller MJ, Takeshige A, Miyake Y, Kuroki M, Aoyama J, Kimura S (2017) Vertical distribution and assemblage structure of leptocephali in the North Equatorial Current region of the western Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 575: 119–136
Chow S, Okazaki M, Watanabe T, Segawa K, Yamamoto T, Kurogi H, Tanaka H, Ai K, Kawai M, Yamamoto S, Mochioka N, Manabe R, Miyake Y (2015) Light-sensitive vertical migration of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica revealed by real-time tracking and its utilization for geolocation. PLOS ONE 10(4): e0121801
Itakura H, Kaino T, Miyake Y, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2015) Feeding, condition, and abundance of Japanese eels from natural and revetment habitats in the Tone River, Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98(8): 1871-1888
Sea Bass
Miyake Y, Itakura H, Takeshige A, Onda H, Yamaguchi A, Yoneta A, Arai K, Hane YV, Kimura S (2019) Multiple habitat use of Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus in the estuary region of the Tone River system, implied by stable isotope analysis. Ichthyological Research 66(1): 172-176 DOI: 10.1007/s10228-018-0655-2
Takeshige A, Miyake Y, Nakata H, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2015) Simulation of the impact of climate change on the egg and larval transport of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) off Kyushu Island, the western coast of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography 24: 445–462
Takeshige A, Miyake Y, Nakata H, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2013) Effect of wind stress for the catch of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus off northwestern Kyushu, Japan. Fisheries Science 79(6):989-998
Physical Oceanography
Itoh S, Kasai A, Takeshige A, Zenimoto K, Kimura S, Suzuki K, Miyake Y, Funahashi T, Yamashita Y, Watanabe Y (2016) Circulation and haline structure of a microtidal bay in the Sea of Japan influenced by the winter monsoon and the Tsushima Warm Current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. DOI: 10.1002/2015JC011441
Miyake Y, Kurogi H, Shimizu M (2013) Tsunami recorded in the eastern Sagami Bay after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Journal of Fisheries Technology 5(2): 175-178 (in Japanese with English Abstract)
Suzaki H, Miyake Y, Nakata H (2013) Change of oceanic conditions leading to the disappearance of hypoxic water from Omura Bay. Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography 51(1):79-89 (in Japanese with English Abstract)
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Miyake Y, Onitsuka G. Long-term Statistics of the Karenia mikimotoi Blooms in Western Japan Imply Multidecadal Intensification and Phenological Changes on the Semi-national, Regional, and Local Scales. Under Review
Book Chapters
- Miyake Y (2017) Rocky shore resources. In: Umi no ondanka : kawariyuku umi to ningen katsudō no eikyō. The Oceanographic Society of Japan (ed), Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, pp 93-95 (in Japanese)
Doctoral Thesis
- Miyake Y (2010) Studies on larval dispersal processes of large abalone in relation to establishment of harvest refugia. Doctoral thesis, The University of Tokyo
Scientific Reports (selected)
- Yamakawa T, Miyake Y, Kuroki M, Kimura S (2016) Distribution of phyllosoma and puerulus larvae of panulirid and scyllarid lobsters in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean during Leg 1-4, KH-16-4 Cruise. Hakuho Maru KH-16-4 Cruise Report, 109-114
- Kimura S, Onda H, Miyake Y, Itakura H, Takeshige A, Arai K, Yoneta A, Kuroki M, Otake T, Tsukamoto K (2016) Distribution of Anguilla japonica leptocephali collected in the western North Pacific. Hakuho Maru KH-16-4 Cruise Report, 52-54
- Onda H, Miyake Y, Itakura H, Takeshige A, Arai K, Yoneta A, Kimura S (2016) Distribution and feeding ecology of fish larvae in the North Equatorial Current. Hakuho Maru KH-16-4 Cruise Report, 101
- Miyake Y, Kimura S (2013) Dispersal processes of phyllosoma larvae in the western North Pacific. Hakuho Maru KH-13-6 Leg.1, 2 Cruise Report, 47-48
- Kimura S, Ito S, Kitagawa T, Nagae H, Kim HY, Kato Y, Miyake Y, Zenimoto K, Yamaoka N, Miyazaki S (2006) Studies on the migration conditions of Japanese eel and bluefin tuna. Hakuho Maru KH-06-2 Leg.2,3,5 Cruise Report, 41-48
International Meetings (oral presentations)
- Miyake Y, Onitsuka G (2024) Multi-decadal trends in blooms of harmful algae Chattonella spp. in Japan. PICES 2024, Hawaii, U.S.A., November
- Miyake Y, Onitsuka G (2023) Multi-decadal trends in Karenia mikimotoi blooms in Japan. 20th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Hiroshima, Japan, November
- Miyake Y, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Yoshida A, Kimura S (2017) Recruitment mechanism of Anguilla japonica glass eels implied by 50-year catch and oceanographic data and model. The 1st UK International Eel Science Symposium, London, UK
- Itakura H, Kitagawa T, Miyake Y, Kimura S (2017) Site fidelity, diel and seasonal activity of growth phase Japanese eel in the freshwater habitat inferred from acoustic telemetry. The 1st UK International Eel Science Symposium, London, UK
- Miyake Y, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Yoshida A, Kimura S (2016) Shoreward intrusions of Kuroshio waters may influence the recruitment of a top predator in river ecosystems. PICES 2016 Annual Meeting, California, U.S.A.
- Miyake Y, Takeshige A, Itakura H, Yoshida A, Kimura S (2016) Glass eels of Anguilla japonica may migrate into the coastal ocean using shoreward intrusions of Kuroshio water. 40th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Maryland, U.S.A.
- Miyake Y, Kimura S, Itoh S, Chow S, Murakami K, Katayama S, Takeshige A, Nakata H (2015) Transport mechanisms in the larval migration of Japanese spiny lobster. 39th Annual Larval Fish Conference, Vienna, Austria
- Takeshige A, Kimura S, Miyake Y, Nakata H, Kitagawa T (2014) Estimation of the future change of anchovy recruitment in response to global warming off western coast of Kyushu, Japan, PICES 2014 Annual Meeting, Yeosu, Republic of Korea
- Kimura S, Kitagawa T, Miyazaki S, Zenimoto K, Miyake Y (2012) Characteristics of spawning migration and larval transport of the Japanese eel based on stable isotope analyses. 6th World Fisheries Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Kimura S, Miyake Y, Kawamura T, Kitagawa T (2011) Larval dispersal processes of abalone using a coupled particle tracking and hydrodynamic model for refugium design. 3rd AORI-KIOS Joint Symposium on Marine Science, Chiba, Japan
- Miyake Y, Kimura S, Kawamura T, Horii T, Kurogi H, Kitagawa T (2009) Simulating dispersal processes of abalone larvae using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model. 7th International Abalone Symposium, Pattaya, Thailand
International Meetings (poster presentations)
- Miyake Y, Onitsuka G (2023) Toward field installation of a low-cost plankton imaging system for continuous monitoring and data acquisition of harmful algal blooms. 20th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Hiroshima, Japan, November (Poster)
- Miyake Y, Onitsuka G (2021) The black tide (Kuroshio) potentially induces Karenia mikimotoi red tides. 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, La Paz, Mexico (Virtual)
- Itakura H, Miyake Y, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2018) Site fidelity, diel and seasonal activities of yellow-phase Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) in a freshwater habitat as inferred from acoustic telemetry. 32nd Annual Tidewater AFS Meeting, Beaufort and Morehead City, USA
- Miyake Y, Kimura S, Itoh S, Chow S, Murakami K, Katayama S, Takeshige A, Nakata H (2015) Does vertical migratory behavior of spiny lobster larvae influence their open-ocean migration? Symposium on growth-survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: controversy, synthesis, and multidisciplinary approach, Yokohama, Japan
- Takeshige A, Miyake Y, Nakata H, Kitagawa T, Kimura S (2015) Impact of climate change on the egg and larval transport of Japanese anchovy off Kyushu Island, the western coast of Japan. Symposium on growth-survival paradigm in early life stages of fish: controversy, synthesis, and multidisciplinary approach, Yokohama, Japan
- Kimura S, Takeshige A, Miyake Y, Nakata H, Kitagawa T (2014) Impact of climate change on the egg and larval transport of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus off western coast of Kyushu, Japan. PICES 2014 Annual Meeting, Yeosu, Republic of Korea